- For a considerable reduction of the vessel height and inlet nozzle sizes compared to conventional inlet devices
- Suitable for installation in horizontal or vertical separators
Shell Schoepentoeter™ and Schoepentoeter™ Plus
Uniform separation with the Shell Schoepentoeter inlet device
The Schoepentoeter™ inlet device is Shell proprietary technology that is used to introduce gas/liquid mixtures into a vessel or a column. The Shell Schoepentoeter™ Plus inlet device is an advanced version with significantly improved de-entrainment efficiency
- Bulk inlet separation of vapour and liquid phases
- Gas/liquid separation processes
- Oil/gas upstream
- Refinery
The purpose of a Schoepentoeter™ and Schoepentoeter™ Plus is to decrease the momentum of the feed, perform a first stage separation of solids and liquid from the vapor, and achieve an even vapor distribution across the vessel cross section. This is obtained by splitting the feed mixture into a series of flat jets.
Schoepentoeter, Schoepentoeter Plus are a trademark owned and used by the companies of the Shell group.