PC transfer perform pumpDesigned for easy dismantle and reassembly, maintain in place without the need to disconnect, remove suction or discharge pipework and minimize time and cost.
PC transfer pumpSulzer’s competitively priced transfer pump, with close coupled drive and gearbox. This product has a small footprint, useful where space to install is tight and is available in low to high flow configurations.
PC cake pumpAvailable as standard or maintain in place, the cake pump is designed with a wide throat inlet for transfer and handling of thickened and blended sludge.
PC dosing pumpIn sludge dewatering and thickening, barrier layer injection and conditioning agents are added to the delivery pipework for lubrication, to reduce friction losses and system operating pressure.
Submersible mixersSulzer's energy efficient submersible mixers are suitable for a wide range of applications in industry and municipal treatment plants. They provide the right solution to match mixing tasks for agitating, blending, mixing, dissolving and suspension of solids in industry and municipal treatment plants.
Agitators, dynamic mixersSulzer SALOMIX™ and Scaba mixing and agitation technology offers a wide range of products for industrial applications. Side-mounted horizontal and top-mounted vertical agitators, dynamic chemical mixers, and tower and tank flow management products guarantee effective mixing and agitating processes.
Muffin Monster™ inline/open channel grindersThe Muffin Monster™ sewage grinders are designed to protect pumps and other equipment by grinding down the toughest wastewater solids.
Channel Monster™ open channel grindersThe Channel Monster™ sewage grinders are designed to capture and grind down the toughest wastewater solids in high-flow systems.