Supplier Cyber Security

In today’s increasingly interconnected digital landscape, data security is paramount – and our suppliers are crucial in helping us maintain this security. Therefore, we kindly invite you to support us in ensuring the safety of our products, systems, and services.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

An important step for enhancing this security is the introduction of a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for our Supplier Relationship Management Tool (Meercat).  2FA is a security measure that requires users to provide two different forms of identification before accessing a system – in our case, with the email address you registered for Meercat and the help of an authenticator app.
2FA download icon
Step 1

First, you need to download an authenticator app like Google or Microsoft authenticator (free) on a smartphone.
2FA scan code icon
Step 2

Please register for 2FA using the QR code on our website.
2FA enter code icon

Step 3

After having scanned the QR code, you will get a new code each time you are logging into Meercat.

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