Our wastewater pump flagship – the XFP – is a pump range that gets the job done. Reliable and equipped with Premium Efficiency IE3 motors. Read more about why the XFP is today’s best-in-class wastewater pump.

Isn’t it time for change?

Contrablock Plus

Contrablock Plus system with market-leading clog resistance

The right balance of everything

Contrablock Plus system

The right balance of everything

An energy efficient design. Unmatched, market-leading clog resistance. Easy-to-use performance adjustments. And packed with enhanced performance and protection features. Need we say more?

With superior solids and rag handling and lower maintenance costs for long-term reliability, the choice is easy when it comes to replacing your failing equipment. Isn’t it time for change?

Energy Efficiency

  • Adjustable wear plate restores efficiency
  • High hydraulic efficiencies


  • Large solids passages (≥ 3”)
  • Mechanical seal protection system
  • Maintains excellent rag handling


  • Externally adjustable wear plate
  • Adjustable with standard tools

Triple seal system

Triple seal system to keep you on the safe side

Strength in numbers

Not 1, not 2, but 3 seals work in tandem to protect the most valuable asset in your submersible pump; the motor. With an advanced set of proven seal technologies, the triple seal system becomes your redundant safeguard against major repairs, getting you back up and running faster with less cost.
Submersible sewage pump type ABS XFP

Quick disconnect plug

Quick disconnect plug for easy maintenance

Are cables holding you back?

Quick disconnect plug for XFP PE1-P2 pumps

Are cables holding you back?

Things happen. And when it comes time for maintenance, it shouldn’t be a hassle. So don’t break your back pulling power cable through conduits or seals – just leave it. Quick disconnecting power cables make maintenance a breeze.

Quick plug of submersible pump XFP


  • Removal of cable via plug and socket design
  • Double sealed for added protection
  • Alignment pin ensures leads are connected properly
  • Cable can be left when pump is removed
  • Included cap for covering the plug


Easy replacement with retrofit brackets

Making the easy switch

Easy replacement of brackets

Making the easy switch

When it’s time to make the switch to a new submersible pump, nobody wants to deal with a costly and time-consuming replacement of rehabbing a pump station. So, we’ve made it easy to do so with a line of competitor retrofit brackets and accessories. Just add a bracket and drop it in. Easy!

Easy replacements

  • Various sizes of retrofit brackets for multiple brands
  • Dedicated support engineers
  • Custom engineered solutions for drop-in replacements
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