Invitation and agenda

Invitation incl. agenda of the Annual General Meeting (pdf)

Report of the Board of Directors on the Revision to the Articles of Association (pdf)

Election of current board members Luciano Respini (vice chairman), Thomas Glanzmann, Jill Lee,  Marco Musetti, and Klaus Sturany were reelected for a further one-year term of office.
Election of new board member

Peter Löscher was elected as new member and chairman and Matthias Bichsel as new member of the Sulzer Board.

Board members and Corporate Executive Management
Corporate Governance
Please find further information in the corresponding media release.
Voting results
Minutes and voting results (in German) (pdf)

Speech of Vladimir Kuznetsov (Chairman ad interim, 1st January to 20th March, 2014) (pdf)

Speech of Klaus Stahlmann (CEO) (pdf)

Annual Report

Download the Annual Report 2013: 

Annual Report 2013 (pdf)

The Company (short version AR 2013) (pdf)

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