Educational background

  • MBA, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
  • Master of Finance (lic. oec. publ.), University of Zurich, Switzerland 

Professional background

David Metzger was elected as a member of Sulzer’s Board of Directors in 2021. He is an experienced investment professional serving a range of international companies in the areas of investment, M&A and portfolio strategy. David Metzger is currently with Liwet Holding AG. Previously, he was Investment Director at the renewable energy fund Good Energies AG (now Bregal Energy, part of COFRA Holding, 2007 - 2011), Senior Manager at Bain & Company (2000 - 2007) and has also worked at Novartis and Morgan Stanley. David Metzger was also a member of the Board of Directors of publicly listed OC Oerlikon from 2016 to 2021, from Italian tech company Octo Telematics SpA from 2014 to (early) 2023, and from Norwegian Solar Energy Company Norsun from 2008 to 2009.

Other listed company mandates

  • Non-executive member of the Board of Directors, Swiss Steel Holding AG, Switzerland
  • Non-executive member of the Board of Directors, medmix AG, Switzerland

Other activities and vested interests

  • None
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