Educational background

  • Bachelor of Science, Business Administration and Marketing, Northern 
    Michigan University, Marquette, USA 

Professional background

Per Utnegaard was elected as a member of Sulzer’s Board of Directors in 2023. He has over 30 years of experience in strategic management consulting and 20 years of experience as a board member of publicly listed companies. Per Utnegaard has held several international leadership positions in logistics and transportation. Since 2016 he has been focusing on board of director roles in companies such as Alvest (Paris) and Saudi Ground Services (Jeddah). From 2015 to 2016 he served as CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board for Bilfinger SE. He ran Swissport International as CEO and President from 2007 to 2015, where he gained in-depth services experience on a global scale. Before that (2002 - 2005), Per Utnegaard was in charge of the Wholesale division of the pharma and beauty group Alliance Boots Plc. Additionally, he is an acting senior advisor for several stock-listed private equity companies.

Other listed company mandates

  • Non-executive member of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Risk Management Committee, Saudi Ground Services, Saudi Arabia

Other activities and vested interests

  • Non-executive Director, Alvest Holding, France

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