Men at dewatering in tunneling site with XJ drainage pump
Men at dewatering in tunneling site with XJ drainage pump

Dewatering in tunneling

Reliable drainage of tunnels

A tunnel construction is a complex worksite were many different variables need to be taken into consideration, flooding is one of them. Our drainage and sludge submersible dewatering pumps are lightweight, portable and start when you plug them in.

We provide a full range of reliable, trouble-free pumps for cost-effective tunneling. Our pumps cover the various pumping needs at a tunnel application. 

Applications for dewatering in tunneling

  • Tunnel shaft and shaft dewatering (1)
  • TBM dewatering (2)
  • Dig and blast dewatering (3)
  • Cooling water circulation / General water supply / Fire water supply (4)
  • Water cleaning and treatment (5)
  • Sewage from sanitary facilities (6)
Dewatering in tunneling application

All pumps in the dewatering line can be called upon to do a good job. The drainage pumps are suitable for pumping water and dirty water mixed with light abrasives. When pumping water mixed with solids, the sludge pump is the better choice. Thanks to the low weight and slim design, the pumps are easy to move and with a pump range from 0.9 to 56 kW and a maximum head of 101 m our dewatering pumps are ready for any challenge.


AquaTronic in XJ pumps
  • AquaTronic - the intelligent option
    The world’s smartest dewatering pumps for applications in mines, construction sites and tunnels are equipped with the innovative AquaTronic. AquaTronic ensures correct motor rotation, gives motor protection, allows the pump to start via a level sensor, and gives you all the pump performance information in your PC, plus much more.
Products in tunneling
  • Drainage pumps
    Submersible drainage pumps J and XJ are excellent for pumping water and dirty water mixed with light abrasives. The pump design enables convenient transport, handling and installation. Pumps with built in AquaTronic unit will always have correct direction of impeller rotation, ensuring peak performance and reduced wear.

  • Drainage center line pumps
    Submersible drainage center-line pumps JC and XJC are ideal for pumping water and dirty water mixed with light abrasives. The slim design makes them easy to move and easy to handle, and they are perfect for applications with limited installation space. Pumps with built in AquaTronic unit will always have correct direction of impeller rotation, ensuring peak performance and reduced wear.

  • Sludge pumps
    Submersible sludge pumps JS and XJS are excellent for pumping dirty water and water mixed with solids. The slim design makes the pump easy to move and easy to handle. Pumps with built in AquaTronic unit will always have correct direction of impeller rotation, ensuring peak performance and reduced wear.

  • Submersible sewage pump type ABS XFP
    Submersible sewage pumps type ABS XFP are the best choice for ensuring efficient and reliable pumping in any wastewater pumping station. The submersible wastewater pumps, mainly installed in network pumping stations, are equipped with Premium Efficiency IE3 motors as standard and with the ContraBlock family of impellers.

  • Heavy duty slurry pumps type Ensival Moret EMW
    The EMW pump range has been designed considering historic field experience, coupled with the latest in fluid flow modeling technologies and finite element analysis, to create the latest in slurry pumping technology.

  • MBN multistage ring section pump
    The MBN pumps are ideal for use in high-pressure applications. They have a big variety of nozzle position options, thus providing flexibility during installation and simplifying the piping design.

  • MC high pressure stage casing pump
    M-series pumps have a modular design thus allowing Sulzer to find the most efficient solution to meet customer requirements.

  • SMD axially split casing double suction pump
    The SMD water pumps are available as standard and configured pumps to meet the demands of different water applications. With a best-in-class hydraulic design, the SMD pumps can take on challenges in raw, clean, sea and brackish water applications. The clean water pumps have ACS and NSF 61 drinking water certifications.

  • SNS end-suction single-stage process pump range
    The SNS end-suction pump has been designed to exceed the highest energy efficiency regulations across all industries and also the design requirements of ISO 5199 international standard. The innovative design makes this centrifugal pump more reliable while significantly reducing total cost of ownership.

  • VMS vertical multistage pump
    The highly efficient VMS vertical multistage pumps are used for multiple applications in the water market.

  • Submersible mixer type ABS XRW
    The XRW mixer range is Sulzer’s premium range of submersible mixers with outstanding life-cycle economy and superior reliability.

  • Lifting station type ABS Piranhamat 100 and 120
    The Piranhamat 100 and 120 models are compact fecal pumping units for direct connection of one toilet in accordance with EN 12050-3.

  • Lifting station type ABS Piranhamat 701-1002
    The Piranhamat 701-1002 is a flood-proof double lifting station for automatic sewage pumping from areas below the backwash level in accordance with EN 12050-1.
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