Wastewater treatment process - return of activated sludge
Wastewater treatment process - return of activated sludge

Return of activated sludge

In control of activated sludge

The return of activated sludge from the final clarifier to the inlet of the aeration tank is an essential feature of the treatment process. It maintains the correct concentration of activated sludge in the aeration tank, ensuring that the required degree of treatment can be achieved within the designated time. Sulzer has a range of pumps that can be used successfully for the return of activated sludge. The submersible sewage pump type ABS XFP, submersible mixed flow pump type ABS AFLX and submersible propeller pump type ABS VUPX are all well suited to this application.


  • Dry installed sewage pump type ABS FR
    The FR dry-installed clogless pump enables economical pumping of heavily-polluted sewage and wastewater in municipal and industrial applications. It is ideal for pumping clear water, polluted water, and heavily-polluted sewage in commercial, industrial, and municipal applications.

  • Submersible mixed flow column pump type ABS AFLX
    Save space and reduce installation costs with the AFLX range of submersible axial-flow pumps, designed for direct installation in discharge pipes.

  • Submersible propeller pump type ABS VUPX
    The VUPX pumps are ideal for applications where large volumes of storm or process water have to be pumped to heads up to a maximum of 10 meters.

  • Submersible sewage pump type ABS XFP
    Submersible sewage pumps type ABS XFP are the best choice for ensuring efficient and reliable pumping in any wastewater pumping station. The submersible wastewater pumps, mainly installed in network pumping stations, are equipped with Premium Efficiency IE3 motors as standard and with the ContraBlock family of impellers.
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