Channel Monster™ open channel grindersThe Channel Monster™ sewage grinders are designed to break down and condition problematic solids in high-flow wastewater applications.
CMD3210 Channel Monster™ for sewage pump station
Monster protects pump station
The Mosside Sewage Pump Station, operated by Scottish Water, installed two Channel Monster™ to protect the pumps during heavy storms.
The challenge
- A heavy volume of rags ad solids flowing into the station
- The debris was especially problematic during heavy storms, leading to pump blockages and sewage overflows
- Regular maintenance needed to uplift and unblock the submersible pumps and clean up the spillages
The project
- Two Channel Monsters were installed in the wet well, each on a guide rail system to facilitate easy installation
The grinders have made a difference to both our operational and overtime costs, freeing up a lot of our operator time to concentrate on other sites.
Graham Black
Area Manager, Scottish Water
The solution
We delivered two Channel Monsters
- The grinders feature a perforated screening drum, which allows small particles to pass through, while capturing and feeding the larger debris into a dual-shafted grinder
- The perforated drum allows high flow but prevents bypass of unshredded solids
Customer benefits
- Mosside has seen a massive drop in the number of pump blockages, freeing up operators from having to attend the site to unblock the pumps
- Unscheduled maintenance has been greatly reduced
- Scottish Water has been able to cancel other planned capital investments, which were no longer required