On-site repair of a gas turbine
On-site repair of a gas turbine


Fast support to minimize downtime

For emergency and machinery diagnostic services of all your rotating equipment, you can rely on Sulzer. We offer diagnostic services and perform expert analyses to identify the cause of specific incidents. We provide the best possible solutions and work with you to minimize downtime.

We can perform analysis on rotating equipment and offer full on-site repair and rebuild services. Sulzer provides all required tooling and can perform Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) on site.

Analyzing the incident

We provide useful results and practical solutions through the use of diagnostics, including:

  • Rotor dynamics
  • Machinery vibration
  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Finite element analysis
  • Material testing
  • Root cause failure analysis

New design for more efficiency

We analyze the response and stability of a rotor system by modeling the stiffness and mass of the rotor and its interaction with the bearings and seals. In order to increase turbomachinery life and reduce vibration, we provide new bearing designs and evaluate rotor stability. We offer condition monitoring and maintenance services on large rotating equipment tailored to your needs through:

  • Vibration diagnostics
  • Field (rotor) balancing
  • Resonance frequency tests
  • Alignment tracking
  • Performance testing
Person sitting in office
How can we help you?

Talk or write to our experts to find your best solution.

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